Joseph Goebbels | Josef Mengele | Josef Albers | Franz Josef Land | Josef Schwarz | Josef Terboven | Heiner Goebbels | Josef Locke | Josef Koudelka | Josef Čapek | Franz Josef Strauss | Josef Hofmann | Magda Goebbels | Josef Wiesehöfer | Josef Szeiler | Josef Frings | Josef Fares | Franz Josef Strauß | Josef von Sternberg | Josef Tal | Josef Meinrad | Josef Dietrich | Josef Zisyadis | Josef W. Wegner | Josef Vojta | Josef Svoboda | Josef Schulz | Josef Ressel | Josef Priller | Josef Pieprzyk |
The play was commissioned by the German Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels, for the opening of the Dietrich-Eckart-Bühne, an outdoor theatre (Thingplatz) near the Berlin Olympic Stadium (now called the Waldbühne).