
unusual facts about Joseph Dudley

Joseph Dudley

 238, “Gov. Joseph Dudley (16 - ), son of Gov. Thomas Dudley, No 1. HL, own hair long, robe and steinkirk, right hand gesturing across body. Repro. Hist. Dudley Fam opp p. 834, photo by Elmer Chickering, Boston. Ref.: Hist. Dudley Fam., pp. 757, 163, “Memorial of Reunion,” p.

First Town-House, Boston

The building also housed the Colonial government, with Governors Endecott, Bellingham, Leverett and Bradstreet presiding under the old charter, then Edmund Andros, followed by Phips, Stoughton, Bellomont and Dudley under the new charter.

see also

George Sharratt Pearson

He was born in Bromley, Staffordshire, the son of Joseph Dudley Pearson and Emma Sharratt.