
2 unusual facts about Joseph Hergenröther

Joseph Hergenröther

Bishop von Stahl took an interest in him, and in 1844 sent him to the Collegium Germanicum at Rome, whither he had already sent Heinrich Joseph Dominicus Denzinger and Franz Hettinger.

Hergenröther was soon called on to answer the pamphlet of Dr. Friedrich Bernhard Ferdinand Michelis, Kirche oder Partei? Ein offenes u. freies Wort an den deutschen Episkopat (Church or Faction? A Frank Address to the German Episcopate), in which this writer attacked violently the "Mainz" and the "Roman" theologians.

Hermann Streber

Invited by Joseph Hergenröther to assist him in editing the new edition of the Kirchenlexikon, Streber resigned his parish, and settled in Würzburg.

see also