
2 unusual facts about Josephine Herbst

Barbara Wiedemann

Wiedemann has authored a critical study, Josephine Herbst’s Short Fiction: A Window to Her Life and Times, on the work of Josephine Herbst, the radical American writer, and is the co-editor of two books, Short Fiction: A Critical Companion and "My Name Was Martha": A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem.

José Robles

The American left-wing journalist Josephine Herbst, then on a visit to the Civil War front, found out that he had been arrested and shot as an alleged "spy for Francoists", and conveyed this information to Ernest Hemingway and Dos Passos who were in Madrid.

John Herrmann

He lived in Paris in the 1920s, as part of its famous expatriate American writers' circle, when he met his first wife, Josephine Herbst in 1924.

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