
unusual facts about Josephson penetration depth|\lambda J\lambda J vicinity of the discontinuity point, so that far away there are no traces of this perturbation.

Academics Plus High Charter School

Academics Plus has partnered with the University of Central Arkansas, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the University of Arkansas at Monticello to offer twelve concurrent credit courses in math, English, history and music.

Active contour model

Where G {\sigma} is a Gaussian standard deviation \sigma minima of this functional lie on zero-crossings of

Ajit Singh of Khetri

After the death of Ramakrishna, in January 1887 Vivekananda (then Narendranath Datta) and eight other disciples of Ramakrishna took their formal monastic vow at Baranagar math.

Attractor network

Bidirectional networks are similar to Hopfield networks, with the special case that the matrix W is a block matrix.

Caccioppoli set

:"?title=Borel">Borel sets A \subset \mathbb{R}^n.

Canonical quantum gravity

where {}^{(3)}R is the spatial scalar curvature computed with respect to the Riemannian metric \gamma {ij} and K {ij} is the extrinsic curvature,

Chromatic circle

The group Z {12} has four generators, which can be identified with the ascending and descending semitones and the ascending and descending perfect fifths.

Club filter

Obviously C=\bigcap C i is closed, since any sequence which appears in C appears in every C i, and therefore its limit is also in every C i.

Coding theory approaches to nucleic acid design

The elements of the Hadamard exponent matrix lie in the Galois field \mathit{GF(p)}, and its row vectors constitute the codewords of what shall be called a generalized Hadamard code.

Colin de Verdière graph invariant

Colin de Verdière's invariant is a graph parameter \mu(G) for any graph G, introduced by Yves Colin de Verdière in 1990.

Colin J. Bushnell

With Philip Kutzko, The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups, Annals of Math.

Cosmic Quantum Ray

Hickey and McCoy based all their stories on principles and theories from quantum physics, with Dr. Bhaumik literally providing the math.

CSS code

Let C 1 and C 2 be two (classical) n,k 1, n,k 2 codes such, that C 2 \subset C 1 and C 1 , C 2^\perp both have minimal distance \geq 2t+1, where C 2^\perp is the code dual to C 2.


DFFITS is very similar to the externally Studentized residual, and is in fact equal to the latter times \sqrt{h {ii}/(1-h {ii})}.

Dickman function

V. Ramaswami of Andhra University later gave a rigorous proof that \Psi(x,x^{1/a}) was asymptotic to x \rho(a), with the error bound

Fermat number

: V {j+1} = \left( A \times V j \right) \bmod P (see Linear congruential generator, RANDU)

Finitary relation

An example of a ternary relation (i.e., between three individuals) is: "X was introduced to Y by Z", where \left(X, Y, Z\right) is a 3-tuple of persons; for example, "Beatrice Wood was introduced to Henri-Pierre Roché by Marcel Duchamp" is true, while "Karl Marx was introduced to Friedrich Engels by Queen Victoria" is false.

Firehose instability

The firehose instability is precisely complementary, in this sense, to the Jeans instability in the plane, which is stabilized at short wavelengths, \lambda < \lambda J.

Formal group

If G is a functor from Artinian algebras to groups which is left exact, then it representable (G is the functor of points of a formal group.

Gary Coons

Coons is a former math teacher, having worked in the Prince Rupert area for 25 years.

Generalized inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers

A generalization for arbitrary composite moduli m=p 1,\dots p r with arbitrary distinct primes p 1,\dots ,p r \ge 5 will be present here.

Gordon Eubanks

Other people say the name CBASIC referred to "commercial" basic, because it incorporated BCD math which eliminated MBASIC's rounding errors that were sometimes troublesome for accounting.


The new scalar field \phi comes from a component of the metric tensor g {55} where the figure 5 labels an additional, fifth dimension.

Henstock–Kurzweil integral

Cousin's theorem states that for every gauge \delta, such a \delta-fine partition P does exist, so this condition cannot be satisfied vacuously.

Infinite-dimensional vector function

Moreover, for any set A, there exist infinite-dimensional vector spaces having the (Hamel) dimension of the cardinality of A (e.g., the space of functions A\rightarrow K with finitely-many nonzero elements, where K is the desired field of scalars).

Johann F. C. Hessel

Prior to this posthumous re-publication of Hessel's investigations, similar findings had been reported by the French scientist Auguste Bravais (1811–1863) in Extrait J. Math., Pures et Applique ́es (in 1849) and by the Russian crystallographer Alex V. Gadolin (1828 - 1892) in 1867.

Józef H. Przytycki

In 1987, he and Pawel Traczyk published "Invariants of links of Conway type" (Kobe J. Math. 4, 115−139, 1987), which included a description of what is now called the HOMFLY(PT) polynomial.

Link group

The link group of the Hopf link, the simplest non-trivial link – two circles, linked once – is the free abelian group on two generators, \mathbf{Z}^2. Note that the link group of two unlinked circles is the free nonabelian group on two generators, of which the free abelian group on two generators is a quotient.

Magdalen papyrus

The "Magdalen" papyrus was purchased in Luxor, Egypt in 1901 by Reverend Charles Bousfield Huleatt (1863–1908), who identified the Greek fragments as portions of the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 26:23 and 31) and presented them to Magdalen College, Oxford, where they are cataloged as P. Magdalen Greek 17 (Gregory-Aland \mathfrak{P}64) and whence they have their name.

MATH domain

The MATH domain, in molecular biology, is a binding domain that was defined originally by a region of homology between otherwise functionally unrelated domains, the intracellular TRAF-C domains of TRAF proteins and a C-terminal region of extracellular meprins A and B.

Math the Band

Math the Band is an American electronic band formed in 2001 in Westford, Massachusetts by Kevin Steinhauser, with Justine Mainville joining in 2007.

Matroid partitioning

A formula proved by Crispin Nash-Williams characterizes the arboricity exactly: it is the maximum, over all subgraphs H of the given graph G, of the quantity E(H)|}{|V(H)|-1}\right\rceil.

Micro black hole

For sufficiently small M, the reduced Compton wavelength (\scriptstyle{\lambda \; = \; \hbar/Mc} , where ħ is Reduced planck constant) exceeds half the Schwarzschild radius, and no black hole description exists.


He was also a nephew of Sir Raghunath Paranjpe (R. P. Paranjpe), first Indian to top the tripos Math exam at Cambridge.

Naccache–Stern cryptosystem

Like many public key cryptosystems, this scheme works in the group (\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^* where n is a product of two large primes.

Nyquist ISI criterion

We multiply such a h(t) by a sum of Dirac delta function (impulses) \delta (t) separated by intervals Ts This is equivalent of sampling the response as above but using a continuous time expression.

Optical ring resonators

where \mathcal{F} is the finesse of the ring resonator, \nu {f} is the free spectral range, and \delta\nu is the full-width half-max of the transmission spectra.

Parabolic geometry

Euclidean geometry, where Euclidean space is viewed as the natural representation space of the group of Euclidean motions E(n) = O(n) \ltimes \mathbb{R}^n

Ramakrishna mission and ramkrishna math

Ramakishna Math and ramakrishna mission is a historically significant architectural monument situated by the river buriganga at mitfort area in old Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Rouché's theorem

Theodor Estermann (1902–1991) proved in his book Complex Numbers and Functions the following relation: Let K\subset G be a bounded region with continuous boundary \partial K.

Seneca Valley School District

In 2009, the 8th grade was ranked 34th out of 141 western Pennsylvania middle schools based on three years of student academic achievement in PSSAs in: reading, math writing and one year of science.

Shapiro delay

which is the extra distance the light has to travel, where R s is the Schwarzschild radius.

Singular cardinals hypothesis

Gitik, building on work of Woodin, was able to replace the supercompact in Silver's proof with a measurable of Mitchell order \kappa^{++} .


where \xi = rg\nu, \phi 0 = \begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0\end{bmatrix}, the σ-s are the SU(2) generators, g is the electroweak coupling constant ν is the Higgs VEV absolute value.


Steady state, a concept used in math and sciences where variables are time-constant

Tetradic Palatini action

which, after multiplication by e {I \beta} just tells us that the Einstein tensor R {\alpha \beta} - {1 \over 2} R g {\alpha \beta} of the metric defined by the tetrads vanishes.


Factor graphs are used to "pack up" each team into (\mu,\sigma) pairs on which the update formulas are run; the skill updates are then correctly distributed to each player.

Universal hashing

# One chooses the prime p to be close to a power of two, such as a Mersenne prime.

Václav Chvátal

he studied a weighted version of the set cover problem, and proved that a greedy algorithm provides good approximations to the optimal solution, generalizing previous unweighted results by David S. Johnson (J. Comp. Sys. Sci. 1974) and László Lovász (Discrete Math. 1975).

X-ray standing waves

The characteristic shape of Y p can be used to derive precise structural information about the surface atoms because the two parameters f H (coherent fraction) and P H (coherent position) are directly related to the Fourier representation of the atomic distribution function.

see also