Đurađ Branković was deemed by his contemporaries as the richest monarch, having a steady income from the gold and silver mines of Novo Brdo.
He fought successfully with the Ottoman Empire, several operations in Bosnia, especially around Zvornik.
He ruled jointly with his brother Đorđe from 1493, and when Đorđe took monastic vows (he becomes the Archbishop of Belgrade, Maxim), Jovan took the throne in 1496.
According to the legend, the village of Ledinci was among the possessions of the Serbian despot Jovan Branković (1496–1502), who donated this village to the Rakovac Monastery.
Jovan Skerlić | Đurađ Branković | Jovan Jovanov | Lazar Branković | Stefan Branković | Jovan Sterija Popović | Jovan Kirovski | Jovan Jovanović Zmaj | Gymnasium Jovan Jovanović Zmaj | Jovan Tanasijević | Jovan Radonjić | Jovan Krkobabić | Jovan Divjak | Jovan Ćirilov | Jovan Branković | Jovan Ajduković |