
4 unusual facts about Joyce Dattner

Joyce Dattner

What she found was the groundbreaking discoveries of Fred Newman, founder of social therapy, and Lois Holzman, developmental psychologist, who together created a unique performance-based approach to human development.

Driven by her commitment to helping people change themselves — and in the process, change the world — Joyce Dattner has become a leading practitioner of Newman and Holzman’s approach, now used in youth development programs, private and public mental health centers, alternative school initiatives, and agencies and organizations servicing diverse populations in varied settings—from New York City to Los Angeles to Johannesburg.

The vice presidential candidates varied from state to state, but all were the running mates of Lenora Fulani.

As a life coach, Dattner believes in the approaches of Fred Newman and Lois Holzman, the former of whom was also the founder of the NAP.

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