Robert Lamberton was born and brought up on the family farm near to what is now Eglinton, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
Judge Robert Lamberton, founder of the first bank in Venago County and later associate Judge of the Courts of Venago County, Pa.
Robert Louis Stevenson | Robert De Niro | United States federal judge | Robert E. Lee | judge | Robert Mugabe | Robert Redford | Robert Burns | Robert Bosch GmbH | Robert | Robert A. Heinlein | Robert Schumann | Judge | Robert Browning | Robert Rauschenberg | Robert Plant | Robert Altman | Robert Mitchum | Robert Frost | Robert Southey | Robert F. Kennedy | Robert Maxwell | Robert Graves | Robert E. Howard | Judge Dredd | Robert Fripp | Robert Fisk | Robert Rodriguez | Robert Motherwell | Robert Lowell |