
unusual facts about Jugendstil


Alfred William Finch

In 1897, invited by count Louis Sparre, Finch moved to Porvoo, Finland, to head the Iris ceramics factory, and influenced the development of the local Jugendstil.

Lotte Herrlich

Alessandro Bertolotti wrote: "The cover of the second volumes shows a boy and two girls, hand in hand and dancing a joyful farandole, suggesting - by fluid, undulating outlines similar to those of the bacchic dancers of Jugendstil - the ideal of a fraternal friendship in perfect accord with German sensibility".

Thomas Theodor Heine

In 1896 he became successful as an illustrator for the satirical Munich magazine Simplicissimus, for which he appropriated the stylistic idiom of Jugendstil and the graphic qualities of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Aubrey Beardsley and Japanese woodcuts.

Urft Dam

Das Wasser der Urft tritt bei Heimbach an den südlichen Berghängen des Rurtals wieder aus und speißt über zwei Fallrohre das im Jugendstil errichtete Kraftwerk Heimbach, das an der Rur liegt.

Victor Mayer

In the time of Jugendstil / Art Nouveau, the company created pieces based on the designs of well-known artists such as the jewellery designer Professor Georg Kleemann or Anton Krautheimer of the Munich Secession (art).

see also