
unusual facts about Juhani Aho

Arvid Järnefelt

In 1889 Arvid founded the newspaper Päivälehti with his friends Eero Erkko and Juhani Aho.

Otto Manninen

He along with Juhani Aho, Paavo Cajander, Arvi Jännes, Eino Leino and Alpo Noponen translated Runeberg’s Fänrik Ståls sägner (Vänrikki Stoolin tarinat in Finnish) in 1909.

Seitsemän Veljestä

Published in 1870, Seven Brothers ended an era dominated by Swedish-speaking authors, most notable of which was J.L. Runeberg, and created a solid basis for new Finnish authors like Minna Canth and Juhani Aho, who were, together with Aleksis Kivi, the first authors to depict ordinary Finns in a realistic way.

see also