In 1887 he earned his medical doctorate from Friedrich Wilhelm University with a dissertation on scoliosis titled Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Skoliose, and afterwards remained in Berlin as an assistant to Julius Wolff (1836-1902).
This has been romantically recounted in the ballad, Der Raubgraf ("The Robber Count"), by Gottfried August Bürger (music by Johann Philipp Kirnberger) and the novel by Julius Wolff (Der Raubgraf).
Julius Caesar | Pope Julius II | William Julius Wilson | Julius Caesar (play) | Julius Rudel | Tobias Wolff | John Julius Angerstein | Harland and Wolff | Julius Francis | Julius | Julius Hemphill | Julius Wellhausen | Julius von Pflugk-Harttung | Julius Rosenwald | Julius Nyerere | Julius Erving | Julius Baker | Julius and Ethel Rosenberg | Hugh Wolff | Henry Drummond Wolff | Albert Wolff | Otto Julius Bierbaum | Nicholas de Wolff | Julius Wernher | Julius Weise | Julius Streicher | Julius Sachs | Julius Peppers | Julius Oppert | Julius Katchen |