
3 unusual facts about July Revolution

Augustin-Marie d'Aboville

Taking a brief part to the July Revolution of 1830, which saw the ousting of King Charles X, d'Aboville was then included in the reserve on 22 March 1831.

Ferdinand de Géramb

During the Revolution of 1830 de Géramb faced a troop of insurgents that had come to pillage the monastery; though the religious had been dispersed, the abbey was spared pillage.

Revolution of 1830

The July Revolution in France leading to a constitutional monarchy lasting until the revolutions of 1848

Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale

The French government commissioned the symphony for the celebrations marking the tenth anniversary of the July Revolution which had brought Louis-Philippe to power, for which it was erecting the July Column in the Place de la Bastille.

Jean Maximilien Lamarque

After the Revolution of 1830, he was given command of military forces in order to suppress Legitimist risings against the new July Monarchy of Louis-Philippe.

Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulême

In July 1830, in what became known as the July Revolution, masses of angry demonstrators demanded the abdication of Charles and of his descendants, in favour of his cousin Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans, and sent a delegation to the Tuileries Palace to force his compliance.

see also


The idea started in France based on the July Revolution in 1830 against Napoleon III.