
unusual facts about Junta

1960 Turkish coup d'état

President Celal Bayar, prime minister Adnan Menderes and several other members of the administration were put on trial before a kangaroo court appointed by the junta on the island Yassıada in the Sea of Marmara.

2006 Bangkok bombings

Anti-Thaksin newspaper editor Sondhi Limthongkul said he believed the bombings were conducted by "undercurrents", supporters of the deposed government of Thaksin Shinawatra, who wanted to discredit the junta.

Amadou Ali Djibo

The transitional junta then held a new parliamentary election in January 2011, and Djibo was again elected to the National Assembly; he was the only UNI candidate to win a seat.


Although the band is from New York, most of the band members are Haitian or Haitian-American, and the musical style of the band adopted was inspired by the mizik rasin movement then being suppressed in Haïti by the military junta of Raoul Cédras.

Batallón de Inteligencia 601

According to the National Security Archive, the junta led by Jorge Rafael Videla had United States' approval for its all-out assault on the left in the name of "national security doctrine".

Bolívar Urrutia Parrilla

Urrutia was a Panamanian soldier who commanded, alongside José María Pinilla, the military junta which overthrew elect president Arnulfo Arias on October 11, 1968.

Bolivian War of Independence

On November 11, the representative of the Junta of Seville, José Manuel de Goyeneche, arrived in Chuquisaca, after stopping in Buenos Aires, with instructions to secure Upper Peru's recognition of authority of the Seville Junta.

Brazilian Military Junta of 1930

The Junta was headed by General Augusto Tasso Fragoso who, during that time, was de facto Acting President of Brazil.

Brazilian Military Junta of 1969

During the redemocratization process, the then president of the National Constituent Assembly (1987-1988), Ulysses Guimarães, a staunch opponent of the military regime, famously referred to the Military Junta of 1969 as The Three Stooges.

Buddhist Uprising

Despite assailing the Americans for their support of the junta, ironically during breaks in the speeches, John Philip Sousa's The Stars and Stripes Forever was played.

Burma Global Action Network

A response to Military Than Shwe and the junta's blockade of aid to the Cyclone Nargis aftermath victims, the international community called for a Humanitarian intervention to get aid into the hardest hit areas of Burma.

Chalongphob Sussangkarn

Chalongphob joined several other TDRI-affiliated individuals who had Cabinet-level seats in the junta, including Deputy Prime Minister and Industry Minister Kosit Panpiemras and Energy Minister Piyasvasti Amranand.


In response to a request from the Chilean trade union centre CUT, Chilekommittén propagated boycotts of Chilean imports, arguing that trade with Chile strengthened the military junta.

Colorado State Highway 194

Roughly four miles east of La Junta, SH 194 travels past Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site, a reconstructed 19th century trading post located on the south side of the road.

Convention of Gramido

The Convention was signed by the commanders of the Spanish and British military forces that had entered Portugal on behalf of the Quadruple Alliance, the representative of the Portuguese government in Lisbon, and the representatives of the Junta in Porto.


Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy, a military junta which staged a coup d'état in Niger in 2010

Dardo Cabo

He was then arrested again, under Videla's junta, because of his political activities, and finally executed in 1977 alongside Roberto Rufino Pirles.


Pedro Dartnell (1873–1944), Chilean military officer and member of the Government Junta of Chile in 1925

Francisco Ruiz-Tagle

The junta nominated him as candidate for the following presidential election and Congress elected him as Provisional President on February 17, 1830, by imposition of José Antonio Rodríguez Aldea, head of the O'Higgins party.

Francisco Urcuyo

This announcement provoked a strong reaction from the Sandinistas, other Latin American states, and the Carter Administration in the U.S. Recognizing the untenability of his situation, Urcuyo fled to Guatemala on 18 July, effectively handing the country over to the Sandinista junta.

Georgios Papadopoulos

Other metaphors contained religious imagery related to the resurrection of Christ at Easter: “Χριστός Ανέστη – Ελλάς Ανέστη” translating as "Christ has risen – Greece has risen", alluding that the junta would "save" Greece and resurrect her into a greater, new Land.

Guinea-Bissau–United States relations

The U.S. Embassy suspended operations in Bissau on June 14, 1998, in the midst of violent conflict between forces loyal to then-President Vieira and the military-led junta.

Inácio Henrique de Gouveia

He participated in a governing junta (also including Graciano dos Santos Neves and Galdino Teixeira de Barros Loreto, in control of the state of Espírito Santo from December 8, 1891 to May 3, 1892.

Internal conflict in Burma

In November 2005, the military junta began transferring the government away from Yangon to a location near Kyatpyay, just outside Pyinmana, for the purpose of designating a new capital city.

José Agustín Arango

José Agustín Arango Remon (1841–1909) was a Panamanian politician who was, together with Tomás Arias and Federico Boyd, a member of the provisional junta that governed Panama after its independence in 1903.

José Camilo Silva

He was appointed mayor of the junta de vecinos (neighbors' council) of Pichilemu by decree of President Carlos Ibáñez del Campo following Evaristo Merino's resignation in May 1928.

Joseph Nérette

He served as the provisional president of Haïti between 1991 and 1992, part of a period in which real political authority rested with the military junta headed by Raoul Cédras and Michel François.


KFVR-FM, a radio station (94.7 FM) licensed to La Junta, Colorado, United States

Leighton Gage

He visited Spain in the time of Franco, Portugal in the time of Salazar, South Africa in the time of apartheid, Chile in the time of Pinochet, Argentina in the time of the junta, Prague, East Germany and Yugoslavia in the days when the Soviet Union held sway and also lived in Brazil during the time of the military government.

Líbero Badaró

This episode accelerated the end of his reign, leading a few months later to his abdication in favor of his son, Pedro II, who was only 5 years old, and the establishment of a regent's junta to govern the country until he became of age.

Lucas Alamán

After what he saw as the disaster of Texas independence from Mexico in 1836, Alamán largely retired from politics, though he continued to promote what he saw as the interests of the country by serving as Director de la Junta de Fomento de la Industria (Directorate for the Promotion of Industry) from 1839 until his death.

Manno Charlemagne

He lived abroad in exile twice, both during the 1980s and again during the years 1991-1994, when the country was ruled by a military junta led by Raoul Cédras.

Manuel Espinosa Batista

On December 16, 1924, the National Assembly of Panama, passed a law to commission a bronze bust sculpture of Manuel Espinosa Batista with the legend "Founder of the Republic", together with other busts of José Agustín Arango, Tomás Arias and Federico Boyd, members of the Provisional Government Junta and the bust of Manuel Amador Guerrero, the first President of the Republic of Panama.

The President of the council Demetrio H. Brid appointed the Provisional Government Junta formed by: José Agustín Arango, Tomás Arias and Federico Boyd - Manuel Espinosa Batista was appointed Deputy Member of the Provisional Government Junta, and his appointment was announce to each member by a note from Demetrio H. Brid.


Fernando Matthei, Chilean Air Force General, member of the military junta that ruled Chile from 1973-1990

National Academy of History of Argentina

Founded in 1893 by Ernesto Quesada, José Toribio Medina, and former President Bartolomé Mitre, the academy was originally chartered as the Junta de Historia y Numismática Americana (Argentine Society of History and Numismatics), and met in the home of Alejandro Rosa (located within the historic Illuminated Block, an erstwhile Jesuit center of learning).

Pachakutik Plurinational Unity Movement – New Country

Although after only hours of taking the capital and instituting a three-man junta including CONAIE president Antonio Vargas the government dissipated, echoing CONAIE’s frustration.

Pedro Barriere

However, the priest Dr. José Matías Delgado, who had been named the new civil political chief of El Salvador by the Provisional Consultative Junta of Guatemala, secured their release in Santa Ana, El Salvador, before they reached Guatemala.

People's Television

Junta chief Sonthi Boonyaratkalin requested Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont to declare emergency in Bangkok on 28 March 2007 in response to the protests.

PTV executives claimed that CAT Chairman and junta leader Saprang Kalayanamitr was preventing it from broadcasting for political reasons.

Sathiraphan Keyanon

Admiral Sathiraphan Keyanon (Thai:สถิรพันธุ์ เกยานนท์) is a Thai naval officer, Commander of the Royal Thai Navy, and a deputy in the military junta that overthrew the government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a 2006 military coup.

Saw Wai

On 22 January 2008, Saw Wai was arrested by Burmese authorities for publishing a poem that secretly criticized Than Shwe, the head of Burma's ruling military junta.

On November 11, 2008, National League for Democracy (NLD) spokesman Nyan Win said Saw Wai was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for publishing a poem mocking junta head Than Shwe in the weekly Achit Journal ("Senior General Than Shwe is foolish with power").

Thomas Junta

Thomas Junta of Reading, Massachusetts was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2002 after he attacked Michael Costin, at 51 Symonds Way on July 5, 2000, who later died of his injuries.

Timeline of the Saffron Revolution

White House foreign affairs spokesman Gordon Johndroe said "The United States strongly condemns the atrocities committed by the junta and calls for a full investigation into the death of Win Shwe during his detention in Burma. The junta must stop the brutal treatment of its people and peacefully transition to democracy or face new sanctions from the United States."

Tomás Arias

Tomás Arias (December 29, 1856 in Panama City, Panama – July 20, 1932 in Panama City, Panama) was a Panamanian politician and businessman who was, together with José Agustín Arango and Federico Boyd, a member of the provisional junta that governed Panama after its independence in 1903.

West End Games

Its current and past product lines include Paranoia, Torg, Shatterzone, Men In Black, DC Universe, Star Wars, The World of Indiana Jones, Junta, Necroscope, Tales from the Crypt, Bloodshadows, and Metabarons.

see also