
6 unusual facts about Just So Stories

Just So Stories

#"The Butterfly That Stamped" — how Solomon rid himself of troublesome wives, and saved the pride of a butterfly.

Kipling Avenue

It is believed (but unproven) that the street was named in honour of Rudyard Kipling, author of such works as The Jungle Book and the Just So Stories, in preparation for a planned visit to Woodbridge in 1907.

Merrow, Surrey

Merrow Downs in prehistory is the setting for two of the Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling: "How the First Letter was Written" and "How the Alphabet was Made".

Moniza Alvi

She also published a series of short stories How the Stone Found its Voice (2005), inspired by Kipling's Just So Stories.

Perak River

The Perak is mentioned in Rudyard Kipling's fantastic story The Crab That Played with the Sea (published as one of the Just So Stories).

Richard Lewontin

Lewontin accused neo-Darwinists of telling Just So Stories when they try to show how natural selection explains such novelties as long-necked giraffes.

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