
unusual facts about Kızılay


Kızılay, Ankara, a neighborhood of Ankara, and one of the primary nerve centers of the city

Esenboğa International Airport

The airport is connected with Kızılay (the city center) and Ankara Intercity Bus Terminal (Turkish: Ankara Şehirlerarası Terminal İşletmesi, AŞTİ) by EGO city bus number 442 (from 6 am to 11pm).

Kızılay Meydanı

Kızılay Meydanı (Kızılay Square) is one of the most important centers and junction points of Ankara, Turkey

Quadruple track

The İstanbul–Ankara Main Line has a quadruple track section between Etimesgut and Kızılay in Ankara, Turkey.

SS Kurtuluş

Foodstuffs were collected by a nationwide campaign of Kızılay (Turkish Red Crescent) and the operation was mainly funded by the American Greek War Relief Association and the Hellenic Union of Constantinopolitans.

see also