
6 unusual facts about KDE


GGZ Gaming Zone, a Free Software online gaming project which among others develops games for the KDE and GNOME desktops.


KMines is a minesweeper game for KDE, originally created in 1996 by Nicolas Hadacek under the GPL.


Others who have availed themselves of Komputeko include Cindy McKee's KDE and Joomla translation teams, Esperanto Wikipedia founder Chuck Smith's Drupal translation and the former Amikumu projects, Tim Morley's OpenOffice.org translation team, Guillaume Savaton's GNOME translation team, the translation teams for Plone and Xfce, and Joop Kiefte's Ubuntu translation team.

Print screen

In GNOME and KDE desktop environments, a screenshot file is automatically saved in the Pictures folder of the user.

Run command

In GNOME and KDE, the Run command acts as a location where applications and commands can be executed.

Windows key

Desktop environments such as KDE and GNOME usually support the key, though it may be necessary to configure its functionality after installation.

Ankur Group

The group is also working on providing Bangla support for some major XServer applications such as office suites, databases, development tools and desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE.

Font management software

However, current Linux desktop environments (such as KDE and Gnome) manage fonts for applications using their internal framework library calls for font display, thus allowing management of fonts centrally and comfortably via the GUI.

KDE e.V.

In October 1999,the following candidates were elected to the board in KDE Two, Kurt Granroth became president, Chris Schläger became vice president, Mirko Boehm became treasurer, and Preston Brown became board member.

KDE Software Compilation 4

Nokia adopted Phonon for multimedia use in Qt 4.4 and are developing backends for Gstreamer, Windows and OS X in the KDE SVN repository under the LGPL.


Konqueror Media Player, an open-source media player software for KDE that runs on Unix-like operating systems


OpenFormula is being developed by representatives from many different implementors, working together, including OpenOffice.org and Sun StarOffice (Eike Rathke), KDE KOffice (David Faure and Tomas Mecir), Gnumeric (Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow and Jody Goldberg), IBM/Lotus 1-2-3 (Rob Weir), and wikiCalc (Dan Bricklin, co-creator of the spreadsheet).

Unicode input

Qt and KDE rely on the standard X Input Method (XIM) framework, and do not implement their own solutions.


The teams are styled after the mascots of various free software projects, such as GNU, Linux, FreeBSD, KDE, GIMP, OpenOffice.org, Firefox, Thunderbird, Suse, Workrave, NuFW, SPIP, and Bugzilla.

Web browser engine

KDE's open-source KHTML engine is used in KDE's Konqueror web browser and was the basis for WebKit, the rendering engine in Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome web browsers, which is now the most widely used browser engine according to StatCounter.

see also