Whilst a student at UC-Berkeley in around 1960, Anne Bredon appeared on a live folk-music radio show The Midnight Special on radio station KPFA, on which she sang "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You".
Following the dissolution of her marriage to Francovich in 1986, she became associated with and later married painter, poster and printmaker, KPFA Radio public events producer, and co-founder of Black Oak Books, Bob Baldock— one of only two North Americans who went from the mainland in March, 1958, to join Fidel Castro’s own 26th of July Group as a combatant in the Sierra Maestra of Cuba.
In addition to his work as a cartoonist, Bendib also co-hosts a weekly one-hour radio program called Voices of the Middle East and North Africa on Pacifica Radio station KPFA (94.1 FM), in Berkeley, California.
Liasson was a freelance radio and television reporter in San Francisco and worked at Berkeley's KPFA before joining NPR in 1985.
The Starting Line is composed of two program presentations, both of which are highly edited versions of shows that were originally broadcast on KPFA's Over the Edge radio show, hosted by Don Joyce weekly and featuring members of Negativland.
The Weatherman's Dumb Stupid Come-Out Line was the third volume in the Over the Edge series, which distills the best material from Negativland's radio program Over the Edge, broadcast on KPFA.
Dick Vaughn's Moribund Music Of The '70s is a collection of recordings edited from a wealth of material broadcast on KPFA's Over the Edge radio show, hosted by Don Joyce weekly and featuring members of Negativland, as well as material recorded at a Live Negativland show just after the "U2 Scandal." The recordings are broken up into two discs, and within that contain bits and pieces of many different Over The Edge Shows.
In 2004, Campanella was named general manager of Pacifica radio station, KPFA in Berkeley, California.
Other volumes in the White Crane series include Mark Thompson's Gay Spirit: Myth & Meaning, Toby Johnson's Gay Spirituality, James Broughton's posthumous collection of writings under the title All edited by poet and KPFA radio host Jack Foley, and a reissue of Take Off The Masks by Malcolm Boyd.
Much of her work has been done for the Pacifica Radio station KPFA in Berkeley, California, including "One Billion Seconds Later", which won the Ohio State Award and "Me and My Shadow", a documentary about Cointelpro's infiltration of the New Left.
Kenneth Rexroth reading the want ads recorded by Henry Jacobs for KPFA, 1957.
He got his start in radio volunteering in 1958-1959 at Lew Hill's KPFA in Berkeley, California.