
2 unusual facts about KTR

Alexander Albon

On 2013 was assigned by the KTR to race on 2013 Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 Season alongside Yu Kanamaru,and Ignazio D'Agosto and finished 28th position with 1 Fastest Lap and 1 Pole Position with 22 overall points.

Since the 2012 Formula Renault 2.0 series season as his debut race he was first race for EPIC Racing and then KTR on 2013 Formula Renault 2.0 series season.




This is significant since Ptah is a parallel for Noah in that, as the Blacksmith-God of Thebes (Hephaistos-Vulcan), he is the equivalent of the Phoenician Craftsman-God Khousor, which is Ugaritic Kṯr, Kothar, Kothar-wa-Khasis, "The-Very-Skillful-and-Intelligent-One," which is the same character as the Sumero-Akkadian Noahs: Utnapishtim (in the Gilgamesh Epic), Atra-Ḫasīs, and Ziusudra (Khousor = Ptah at Ugarit).


So one such clean up operation takes him to KTR (Pasupathy) who is running a parallel law enforcement system with his own court.

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