He also contributed humorous news and commentary segments to KUOW-FM's long-running show Sandy Bradley's Pot Luck, created and hosted the satire show Rewind, distributed by National Public Radio, and co-hosted the radio show "Weekend America", produced by American Public Media.
Since 2001, Faigin has had a monthly spot as an art critic on the KUOW-FM radio station in Seattle.
In an interview with KUOW, a Seattle NPR affiliate, Tran noted Cantwell's avoidance of debates and challenged Cantwell to debate with her.
KUOW-FM, a radio station (94.9 FM) licensed to Seattle, Washington, United States
Washington State had been looking for some time to enter the Seattle market, even though it would be going head-to-head with two of the highest-rated NPR stations in the country, KUOW and KPLU.