
4 unusual facts about KYZ

Abay Opera House

Founder (1934) and first director - Yevgeny Brusilovsky, who created eight national operas and a ballet ("Kyz-Zhibek", "Yer-Targhyn", "Aiman-Sholpan", "Birzhan and Sara", "Kamar-sulu" and others).

Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov

One of the most famous translation – is the Kazakh national epic song Kyz-Zhibek.


KYZ relay, a signaling device used in electrical power metering applications


In 1988 the poem was translated into Russian by Kazakh poet Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov.


Kyz-Zhibek | KYZ relay |

Gabit Musirepov

Among his works stand out Kyz-Zhibek (Қыз Жібек), first libretto to a Kazakh opera, with music by Yevgeny Brusilovsky, and The tragedy of the poet (Трагедия поэта), written in 1958 (first version titled Ақан сері Ақтоқты, 1942), that dealt with the tragedy of Ajani, a Kazakh singer and composer of the 19th century.

see also