
3 unusual facts about Kafir


Allah says: Perdition (destruction) has been consigned to those who disbelieve and He will render their actions void.

In some cities of Sri Lanka, in particular, the descendants of those slaves still constitute a distinctive ethnic group, who call themselves Kaffir.

The song "Kafir" by American technical death metal band Nile from their sixth album Those Whom the Gods Detest uses as subject matter the violent attitudes that Muslim extremists have toward Kafirs.


Kafir | kafir |

George Scott Robertson

He asked the Government of India for permission to attempt the journey, and by October 1889 was on his way, departing from Chitral in northwest Pakistan in the company of several Kafir headmen of the Kam tribe.


By 1881, some of the whites had begun to think the black population in Papendorp and District Six was so sizeable that they "needed to establish an official 'Kafir location' for it..." (Saunders, p. 29).


Generally, they were seen as unbelievers and suffered Wahhabi raids, with a notorious massacre in ʿArʿar valley.

The Giaour

"Giaour" (Turkish: Gâvur) is the Turkish word for infidel or non-believer, and is similar to the Arabic word "kafir".

see also