Hedychium gardnerianum, known as the kahili ginger or ginger lily, a plant native to the Himalayas
Kahili Airfield, also known as Buin Airfield, an airfield on Bougainville Island during World War II
The campus boasts a tile sculpture of a kahili (a ceremonial standard marking the presence of a Hawaiian chief) by Bob Flint.
The six were Hertzle Shlomo (50), Ivan Shmilov (53), Dror Gazari (31) from Sderot, Ofer Tiri (23) of Ashkelon, Muna'am Abu-Sabia (33) of Daburyia and Ibrhim Kahili (46) of Um al-Ghanem.
In July 1944, VMB-413 began operating from Munda from where they began to raid both Kahili and Choiseul on a regular basis until October 18, 1944 when they moved to Emirau.