
unusual facts about Kaija Saariaho

Kaija Saariaho

Music included Sept Papillons for cello solo (2000), played by Anssi Karttunen, and Quatre Instants for soprano and piano (2002), performed by Pia Freund and David Lively.

Adriana Mater

Adriana Mater is the second opera by the Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho, with a libretto in French by her frequent collaborator, Amin Maalouf.

Béla Quartet

They were united by their desire both to champion the contemporary repertoire : George Crumb, György Ligeti, Giacinto Scelsi, John Cage, György Kurtág, Helmut Lachenmann, Kaija Saariaho, Béla Bartók, Steve Reich, Raphaël Cendo, Marco Stroppa, Henri Dutilleux...

Dwayne Croft

He created the role of Nick Carraway in John Harbison's The Great Gatsby in 1999, that of Jaufré Rudel in Kaija Saariaho's L'amour de loin in 2000, and that of Robert E. Lee in Philip Glass's Appomattox.

George Tsypin

Tsypin has worked for many years with renowned directors and composers, such as Julie Taymor, Peter Sellars, Francesca Zambello, Pierre Audi, Jurgen Flimm, Philip Glass, John Adams, Kaija Saariaho and Andrey Konchalovsky.

Helena Tulve

Tulve’s works give a fair idea of the richness and variety of her cultural experience: the French school of spectral music, IRCAM’s experimentalism, Kaija Saariaho and Giacinto Scelsi, echoes of Gregorian chant and Eastern musics.

see also