
unusual facts about Kaminetz


Binyomin Luban

While there he learned with Rabbi Avrohom Kenarek and Rabbi Shia Grodzitski, both students of the saintly Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz, the dean of the pre-World War Two rabbinical seminary which was known as Kaminetz.

Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg

While in Europe, Scheinberg also learned at the Kaminetz yeshiva and received rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz.

Neve Yaakov

In 1982, Kiryat Kaminetz, a housing development on the eastern edge of Neve Yaakov named for the Jewish community of Kamenets, Poland destroyed in the Holocaust, was built on the eastern side of the existing neighborhood.

Refael Reuvain Grozovsky

Later, he moved with his father-in-law to Kaminetz and continued to learn at the yeshiva there under the tutelage of his father-in-law, whom he considered his main teacher.

Shachne Zohn

In his youth, he briefly studied Talmud in Yeshiva University and before traveling to Europe to study under Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz in the Yeshiva in Kaminetz and then in Mir Yeshiva.

Shlomo Heiman

After his marriage, Reb Baruch Ber asked Reb Shlomo to be a lecturer in the Kaminetz yeshiva, Beis Yitzchok, which was wandering from Slobodka to Krementchug.

see also