Kalantar-Zadeh received his undergraduate degree in medicine from the University of Bonn (Germany) and his M.D. degree from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany).
Masoud Sedaghat Zadeh (31, male): fled to Malaysia on the day of the bombings; arrested by the Royal Malaysian Police in Kuala Lumpur International Airport on 15 February, while attempting to travel to Iran.
One of his famous critics, Ehsan Tabari wrote:((In Iran's contemporary history, there are and have been men like, Taghi-zadeh, Doctor Rezazadeh Shafagh and the very Mr. Ali Dashti, who spent all they ever owned serving the tyrants in return for their personal benefits; or as the poet says "They have enslaved knowledge, freedom, faith and fairness"; or, as in the proverb taken from the Gospel teachings, "spared the pearl for the pigs".))
The word Ardakan in Persian means "holy place" or "clean place" (Modern Persian: ardak+an / Middle Persian: artak+an) and the city has a lot of historical religious attractions such as the Grand Mosque of Ardakan (Masjed-e Jame’), Zire-deh Mosque, Emam-Zadeh Mir Seyyed Mohammad and Tekyeh bazaar.
Zadeh is married to Fay Zadeh and has two children, Stella Zadeh and Norman Zadeh.