
5 unusual facts about Kanina


Bawwa is the village situated on an approach road 3 km from karoli mod on Kanina-Kosli road in Rewari district.


Bishoha is the Village situated on an approach road at a distance 1.5 KM from Lookhi village on Kanina-Kosli road in Rewari distt.

Karoli, India

It is on the 1.5-kilometre approach road boarded to Bahu-Jholri on the KosliKanina road and is 12 kilometres from Kosli and 7 kilometres from Kanina.

Karoli is just 9 km from near by Railway station Kanina on Rewari-Luharu-Sadulpur-Bikaner Railway line and 13 KM from the Railway Station Kosli on Rewari-Bhiwani-Hissar-Sirsa railway line.

Michael Doukas Glabas Tarchaneiotes

Sometime between 1284 and 1291 Glabas was sent to Albania, where he fought against the Angevins and recovered Dyrrhachion, Kruja and Kanina.


Doka, Sudan is a village in eastern Sudan, close to the Ethiopian border, near Gedaref and Kanina.

see also