Ronald Kantowski is a theoretical cosmologist, well known in the field of general relativity as the author, together with Rainer K. Sachs, of the Kantowski-Sachs dust solutions to the Einstein field equation.
Goldman Sachs | Jeffrey Sachs | Andrew Sachs | ZF Sachs | Metric system | Julius Sachs | Jonathan Sachs | Tay-Sachs disease | Leonard Sachs | Hanns Sachs | Abraham Sachs | United States Metric Board | Sachs | Paul J. Sachs | Nelly Sachs | metric system | Hugh Sachs | Alex Metric | Viola Sachs | U.S. Metric Association | The Metric Marvels | Tay–Sachs disease | Performance metric | Metric signature | Metric expansion of space | metric expansion of space | Maria Sachs | Leo Sachs | Kerr metric | Kantowski-Sachs metric |