
unusual facts about Karma Pakshi

Karma Pakshi, 2nd Karmapa Lama

He was particularly honoured by Möngke Khan, Kublai's brother, who ruled at that time and whom the Karmapa recognised as a former disciple.


Gotsangpa's disciple Ogyenpa Rinchenpal (1230—1309), who was also a disciple of Karma Pakshi, became a great siddha who traveled to Bodhgaya, Jalandhar, Oddiyana and China.


The two-armed Mahākāla called Bernakchen (Black Coat) is a protector of the Karma Kagyu school, although he derives from Nyingma terma and was adopted by the Karma Kagyu during the time of 2nd Karmapa, Karma Pakshi.

see also