
unusual facts about Karystos

Manto Mavrogenous

She later put together a fleet of six ships and an infantry consisting of sixteen companies, with fifty men each, and took part in the battle in Karystos in 1822, and funded a campaign to Chios, but she did not prevent it from the massacre.


Karystos |

Alexios Doukas Philanthropenos

The Byzantines raided and sacked the islands of Paros, Naxos, and Keos, as well as the towns of Karystos and Oreoi on Negroponte (Euboea), before sailing south to support the operations of an expeditionary force that landed at Monemvasia against the Principality of Achaea.

Ravano dalle Carceri

The northern third, with capital at Oreoi, was divided between Ravano's nephews, Merino I and Rizzardo; the central third, with the island's capital, Chalkis, was divided between his widow, Isabella, and his daughter, Bertha; and the southern third, with capital at Karystos, was divided between Giberto's heirs, Guglielmo I and Alberto.

see also