In the cartoon series Real Ghostbusters, she was originally voiced by Laura Summer and later by Kath Soucie.
In the Nickelodeon animated television series, Danny Phantom, the first villain that appears is the Lunch Lady Ghost (voiced by Patricia Heaton in the first appearance, Kath Soucie in later appearances).
Frosty first reveals himself to Tommy Tinkerton (Kath Soucie), the son of the town’s impossibly upbeat but no-nonsense mayor, Mr. Tinkerton (Tom Kenny).
Kath & Kim | Kath Soucie | Terry Kath | KATH-LD | Kath & Kim (U.S. TV series) | Kath Malmberg | Kath (city) | Kath |
Daffodil (voiced by Kath Soucie) - A Holland Lop, pet number 1 of Emily Elizabeth, and also Clifford's helper, protector, and sister.