Many accounts of healings were published in her books, which were "ghost-written" by author Jamie Buckingham of Florida, including her autobiography, which was dictated at a hotel in Las Vegas.
In 1981 David Byrne and Brian Eno sampled one of Kuhlman's sermons in their album My Life in the Bush of Ghosts.
Nolen conducted research at a 1967 Kathryn Kuhlman fellowship in Philadelphia, with 23 people who claimed to have been cured during her services.
Kathryn Tickell | Kathryn Crosby | Kathryn Stockett | Kathryn Lasky | Kathryn Gustafson | Kathryn Grayson | Kathryn Thomas | Kathryn Flett | Kathryn Casey | Kathryn Walker | Kathryn Roberts | Kathryn Morris | Kathryn McCormick | Kathryn Kuhlman | Kathryn Hulme | Kathryn Grant | Kathryn Cramer | Kathryn Apanowicz | Kathryn Robinson | Kathryn Leigh Scott | Kathryn Janeway | Kathryn Erbe | Kathryn Bigelow | Lake Kathryn, Florida | Kathryn Winter | Kathryn Williams | Kathryn White | Kathryn Shaw | Kathryn Selby | Kathryn Schulz |
Lydia Prince herself disapproved, and as stories of abuses came out the movement was condemned by Pat Robertson, Kathryn Kuhlman, and the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International.
Since then, Mink has appeared on many Christian television productions: The 700 Club, The Kathryn Kuhlman Show, Help Line, Turning Point, 100 Huntley Street, PTL, TBN, The Believer's Voice of Victory and many more.