
2 unusual facts about Kaveret

Israel Film Festival

Founded in 1982 by Meir Fenigstein, a former drummer for the Israeli rock band, Kaveret, the festival is the premier showcase for new work from Israeli independent filmmakers.


Israeli rock band Kaveret's hit song "Shir HaMakolet" ("The Grocery Store Song") mentions a character buying Krembo.


Kaveret |

Aya Korem

Korem wrote songs for other artists, such as Miri Mesika and Nurit Galron, produced a tribute for "Kaveret" band, starred in a version of the king and I and hosted, for two seasons, together with Danny Robas, a TV show, called "Israeli Duet", where the two hosted and performed with some of Israel's best musicians.

Gidi Gov

In 1980 Gov and Sanderson formed their third band Doda, which succeeded less than Kaveret and Gazoz.

Yossi Abulafia

In 1975 Abulafia illustrated the back cover for Kaveret's third album "Crowded in the Ear" (צפוף באוזן) which was a collage of images illustrating the various songs on the album in the style of the famous Monty Python illustrations done by Terry Gilliam.

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