
unusual facts about Kazuo Imai

Kazuo Imai

Born in Kawasaki in 1955, Imai studied with two of post-war Japan's leading musical iconoclasts, Takehisa Kosugi and Masayuki Takayanagi.

East Bionic Symphonia

The original members were Kazuo Imai, Kaoru Okabe, Yasushi Ozawa, Tomonao Koshikawa, Hiroshi Shii, Masami Tada, Tatsuo Hattori, Kazuaki Hamada, Masaharu Minegishi, & Chie Mukai.

see also

Kill Your Timid Notion

Past performers have included Cellule d'intervention Metamkine, Sachiko M & anthony McCall, Bruce McClure, Kazuo Imai & Atsuhiro Ito, Christian Marclay, Jennifer Reeves and Anthony Burr, Acid Mothers Temple, Philip Jeck, Fennesz, Tony Conrad and Text of Light and The Ruins.