
unusual facts about Kazys


Kazys Almenas (born 1935), Lithuanian physicist, writer, essayist, and publisher


Such prominent Lithuanian émigré writers and public figures as Aloyzas Baronas, Kazys Bradūnas, Česlovas Grincevičius, Bronius Kviklys, Rev. Vaclovas Bagdanavičius, Aušrelė Liulevičienė, Kazys Pakštas, Rev. Juozas Prunskis, Leonardas Simutis, Stasys Džiugas, and Nijolė Jankutė-Užubalienė, worked on the editorial staff during the Soviet occupation.

Kazys Ladiga

Kazys Ladiga (25 December 1893 in Iškonys near Biržai – 19 December 1941 in Irkutsk) was a Lithuanian general and one of the first volunteer officers of the Lithuanian army.

Rygos naujienos

The most distinguished contributors of Rygos naujenos were Tadas Balanda; Zigmas Gaidamavičius (poet); Konstantinas Jasiukaitis (writer); Jonas Krikščiūnas (poet); Kazys Puida (writer); Ona Pleirytė (writer); Balys Sruoga (writer); Juozas Petrulis (historian) and Kostas Stiklius (journalist).

see also