
4 unusual facts about Keating government

Hawke–Keating Government

In its first months in office the Government stopped the construction of the Franklin Dam, on the Franklin River in Tasmania, responding to protest about the issue.

Keating Government

Watson, Don; Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM; Random House Australia; 2002; ISBN 978-0091835170

The opposition and many observers called Keating's comments insensitive on the basis of such factors as the sinking of HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse in the defence of Singapore.

Sleepers, Wake!

Barry Jones was Australia's Minister for Science in the Hawke government from 1983 to 1990.

Austudy Five

NUS had called the demonstration around the Keating Government's proposed abolition of Austudy as a student grant to be replaced by a student loan.

College of Advanced Education

This sector ceased to exist when, between 1989 and 1992, the Hawke-Keating government implemented the sweeping reforms of Education Minister John Dawkins.

Division of Dobell

Its most prominent members have been Michael Lee, a former minister in the Keating government and later Councillor for the City of Sydney, who held the seat for Labor between 1984 and 2001; and Craig Thomson.

see also

Native title legislation in Australia

The recognition of the legal concept of native title in the Mabo Decision in 1992 led its recognition by the legislative system a year later when the Keating government enacted the Native Title Act 1993.