He was sacked in September 1978, after choosing to play a big cricket match rather than travel with the youth team to a match.
On leaving the company he joined Aston based company Radshape Sheet Metal in June 2000 as Lean Manufacturing consultant, later becoming Sales/Quality Director.
Keith Haring | Keith Richards | Keith Urban | Toby Keith | Keith Jarrett | Keith Emerson | Keith Moon | Keith Carradine | Lynn Chadwick | Keith Sweat | Keith | Countdown with Keith Olbermann | Keith Miller | Keith Giffen | Keith David | David Keith | Keith Whitley | Keith Park | Keith Olbermann | Keith Jardine | Keith Green | Keith Ellison | Brian Keith | Keith Thibodeaux | Keith Rothfus | Keith Lockhart | Keith Ellison (politician) | Keith Barron | Kool Keith | Keith Van Horn |