Review of projects at RAND when Uncapher was hired in 1950 through the early 1970s, such as JOHNNIAC, JOSS, a survivable national network, GRAIL (GRAphical Interactive Language), and some work related to the ARPANET.
With the Vietnam war winding down it was also an ideal time for ISI to help rebuild the gap between the Department of Defense and academia.
Keith Haring | Keith Richards | Keith Urban | Toby Keith | Keith Jarrett | Keith Emerson | Keith Moon | Keith Carradine | Keith Sweat | Keith | Countdown with Keith Olbermann | Keith Miller | Keith Giffen | Keith David | David Keith | Keith Whitley | Keith Park | Keith Olbermann | Keith Jardine | Keith Green | Keith Ellison | Brian Keith | Keith Thibodeaux | Keith Rothfus | Keith Lockhart | Keith Ellison (politician) | Keith Barron | Kool Keith | Keith Van Horn | Keith Michell |