
4 unusual facts about Keith Waldrop

Anne-Marie Albiach

Today, Albiach is associated in France with poets Claude Royet-Journoud and Emmanuel Hocquard, all three being, at various times, translated and published by the American poets Keith Waldrop and Rosmarie Waldrop via Burning Deck, their influential small press.

Claude Royet-Journoud

The tetralogy mentioned above has been published in English translation by Keith Waldrop as : Reversal (1973); The Notion of Obstacle (1985), and Objects Contain the Infinite (1995).

Other publications that have appeared in translation include: The Crowded Circle (tr. Keith Waldrop) (1973); Até (tr. Keith Waldrop, 1981); "The Maternal Drape" or the Resititution (tr. Charles Bernstein), 1985), and Theory of Prepositions (tr. Keith Waldrop, 2006).

Keith Waldrop

Keith Waldrop (born December 11, 1932, in Emporia, Kansas) is the author of numerous books of poetry and prose, and has translated the work of Claude Royet-Journoud, Anne-Marie Albiach, and Edmond Jabès, among others.

David Chaloner

His later more ambitious work was published by leading independent presses in England and America, including Andrew Crozier's Ferry Press and Rosmarie and Keith Waldrop's Burning Deck.

see also