Kenneth W. Ford (born 1926), American physicist, teacher, and author
Kenneth M. Ford, founder and director of the Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition
Ford Motor Company | Ford | Gerald Ford | Ford Foundation | Francis Ford Coppola | Henry Ford | John Ford | Harrison Ford | Ford Mustang | Ford Model T | Ford Fiesta | Glenn Ford | John Kenneth Galbraith | Kenneth Branagh | Kenneth McClintock | Ford Explorer | Kenneth Grahame | Tennessee Ernie Ford | Ford Thunderbird | Ford Taurus | Henry Ford II | Ford Sierra | Robben Ford | Lita Ford | Ford Models | England Dan & John Ford Coley | Kenneth Cole | Kenneth Burke | Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds | Formula Ford |
In the middle 1990s, while serving as president of AAAI, Hayes began a series of attacks on critics of AI, mostly phrased in an ironic light, and (together with his colleague Kenneth Ford) invented an award named after Simon Newcomb to be given for the most ridiculous argument "disproving" the possibility of AI.
Walter eventually does enlist, as does Rilla's newfound love interest, Kenneth Ford (the son of Owen and Leslie Ford, who met in Anne's House of Dreams), who kisses her before leaving and asks her to promise she will not kiss anyone else until he returns.