Kerby House, a historic Greek Revival plantation house and historic district in Prairieville, Alabama
An act of the territorial legislature of December 18, 1856 changed the name from "Kirbeyville" to "Napoleon", possibly because of the association of Napoleon with the name Josephine.
It is approximately bounded by Interstate 5 on the west, N Skidmore St. on the north, NE Rodney Ave. on the east, and N Kerby St. and NE Fremont St. on the south.
Major Kerby Farrell (September 3, 1913 – December 17, 1975) was a longtime minor league baseball manager who spent but a single season — 1957 — as a manager in American Major League Baseball.
In June, two months after America's entry into the European war, Paulist Father and Catholic World editor John J. Burke, Catholic University sociology professor William Kerby, Paulist Father Lewis O'Hern, and the former Secretary of Labor, Charles O'Neill, met in Washington, D.C. to formulate an official Catholic response to the war.
These athletes included Katie Schmaling (50 Free, 100-200 Back), Sarah Reddick (100 Free, 100 Fly, 100-200 IM), Kelly McIsaac (200 Freestyle), Jesse Coxson (500 Freestyle), Emily White (200 Butterfly), Katie Kane (100 Breaststroke), Kristen Kane (200 Breaststroke), and Kerby Lewis (400 IM).
Kerby was selected as one of the "Great American Business Leaders" of the 20th Century by Harvard Business School.