
2 unusual facts about Keyserlingk


It was Count Carl Keyserlingk who was responsible for inviting Rudolf Steiner to his estate in Koberwitz (Kobierzyce) in 1924 to present the Agriculture Course which led to the founding of the biodynamic agriculture.

The Keyserlingks have family relations with Barrett, von Below, von Bogen, Bordehl von Bordelius, von Braun, von der Brueggen, von Dehn, Finck von Finckenstein, von Grotthuss, von Hahn, Hillis, von Kleist, von Lieven, von der Pahlen, Perkins, Popp, von Quistorp, von Rahden, von der Recke, von Roenne, von der Ropp, Ruggels, Schick, Schirinski Schikhmatoff, Spano, Sponholtz, Thurn und Taxis, Turcot, Wadenstierna and Wilson.


see also