Years later, Kichimatsu Kishi was detained by authorities and kept for two months at Camp Kenedy near San Antonio after the Attack on Pearl Harbor, most likely due to his previous contact with Yamamoto.
Years earlier, Sadatsuchi Uchida (Japan’s consul to the United States) toured the southern United States in 1902.
The discovery of oil on the Kishi property in 1919 attracted the interest of Isoroku Yamamoto, who in 1921 was touring the United States oil producing facilities in response to Japan’s growing navy.
Uchū no Kishi: Tekkaman Blade | Seiji Kishi | Yūji Kishi | Yoshito Kishi | Kishi Joō | Kishi Bashi | Kichimatsu Kishi | Asako Kishi | Aino Kishi |
Some of the better known of these immigrants were Seito Saibara, who would establish a large colony near Webster, and Kichimatsu Kishi who would establish a colony in Orange County, Texas.