Amazonian Kichwas consists of two different ethnic peoples, Napu-Kichwa (living in the Napo and Sucumbíos provinces, with some parts of their community living in Colombia and Peru) and Canelo-Kichwa (also referred to as Kichwa del Pastanza, living in the Pastanza province).
He spoke perfect Quichúa and had been accepted as a prince by the Andean tribes of Tucumán (Argentina).
The village of Cajabamba (Kichwa: Kashapampa, "thorn plain") is situated in a fertile arable valley in Colta Canon, Chimborazo Province (Chimborazo = "snows on the other side").
The contrast of thinking that its origin come from the Quechua dialect is that the presence does not extend past the provinces of Canar and Azuay, while the Kichwa is present outside these .
During the Inca conquest, the Canaris learned Quechua ( Kichwa ), but, as always, the language of the conquering people was enriched with many vernacular words taken from the language of the conquered people, so the names of certain objects or places such as rivers, mountains, etc.
Luis Macas (born 1951), Kichwa politician and intellectual from Saraguro, Ecuador