The one-night-only show was titled Kiki and Herb Will Die for You and featured a number of celebrities, including Sandra Bernhard, Isaac Mizrahi, Jake Shears, Michael Cavadias, and Rufus Wainwright.
herb | Kiki Smith | Herb Alpert | Herb Kohl | Kiki Dee | Kiki's Delivery Service | Herb Caen | Herb | Kiki Vandeweghe | Herb Dean | Herb Kelleher | Nacio Herb Brown | Herb Pomeroy | Herb Plews | Herb Grubel | Herb Elliott | Kiki and Herb | Herb Trawick | Herb Shriner | Herb Hendler | Herb (from Basic Equipment) | Herb Drury | Herb Dhaliwal | Herb Curtis | Herb Butterfield | Herb Abrams | Albert Maori Kiki | Kiki | Kierra "Kiki" Sheard | Herb Thomas |
She was the host of the first Gay Shame event in New York, appearing with performer Penny Arcade, writer Eileen Myles, cabaret artists Kiki and Herb, and queercore band Three Dollar Bill held in Brooklyn, NY in 1998, which was captured in the documentary film entitled Gay Shame 98, by Scott Berry.