grass | Günter Grass | Kikuyu | Kikuyu people | Leaves of Grass | The Grass Roots | Splendor in the Grass | New Grass Revival | Grass Valley, California | The Grass Harp | Mittendorf's striped grass mouse | GRASS GIS | Splendor in the Grass (album) | Green Grass and High Tides | GRASS | buffalo grass | Wild Grass | The Green Green Grass | The Grass Is Greener | The Grass Is Blue | The Death of Grass | St. Augustine Grass | Kikuyu, Kenya | In the Grass | Grass Valley | Grass Snake | Grass | Elephant grass | elephant grass | Buckaroo Blue Grass II |
This natural area is threatened by pollution as well as by invasive alien weeds such as Kikuyu grass and the Black Wattle tree.
The Long-tailed Widowbird feeds on a distinct variety of seeds, including those of Setaria sphacelata (Twisted-leaf bristle grass), Paspalum dilatatum (Common paspalum), Paspalum distichum (Couch paspalum), Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu grass), Triticum (wheat), Themeda triandra (Rooigras), and Senecio juniperinus (groundsel).