
unusual facts about Kinlaza


André I of Kibangu

André I Mvizi a Mkanga was a ruler of Kibangu and was one of the two main Kinlaza claimants to the throne of the Kingdom of Kongo during its civil war, the other being the King of Lemba.

Daniel I of Kongo

King Pedro had been based at the Kinlaza mountain fortress of Lemba since his deposition by Soyo in 1669.

Garcia III of Kibangu

Garcia III Nkanga a Mvemba was a ruler of Kibangu and was one of the two main Kinlaza claimants to the throne of the Kingdom of Kongo during its civil war, the other being the King of Lemba.

Manuel I of Kibangu

Manuel Afonso Nzinga a Nlenke was a ruler of Kibangu and was one of the two main Kinlaza claimants to the throne of the Kingdom of Kongo during its civil war, the other being the King of Lemba.

see also