
3 unusual facts about Kirkuk

Iranian earless toad

Iranian toads are prevalent in the Kirkuk region of Iraq; many US soldiers have documented their presence living in drain pipes and eddies throughout the region.

Iraqi Partisan movement, 1979–88

Headquarters of the partisan units were established in Kirkuk and as-Sulemaniyah, and bases were established in Irbil.

Iraqi Turkmen Front

In the 2010 Iraqi national elections, the ITF candidate in the Turkmen stronghold of Kirkuk, Arshad al-Salihi, won 59,732 votes as a part of Iyad Allawi's Iraqiya List.


Kirkuk | Kirkuk Field |

Chaldean Christians

There are five archbishops (resident respectively at Basra, Diyarbakır, Kirkuk, Salmas and Urmia) and seven bishops.

Forward Operating Base Al-Qayyarah West

Forward Operations Base Al-Qayyarah West (or known simply as FOB Q-West) was a US Military base in Iraq that is south of Mosul, west of Kirkuk, and north of Tikrit.

Kirkuk–Ceyhan Oil Pipeline

Iraq is considering building a new Kirkuk–Ceyhan pipeline through Arbil and Dahuk governorates to bypass attack-prone areas.


Most notably, Ashur-nasir-pal II had to suppress a revolt among the Lullubian / Zamuan chiefs in 881 BC, during which they constructed a wall in the Bazian pass (between modern Kirkuk and Sulaymaniyah) in a failed attempt to keep the Assyrians out.

Ryan G. Manelick

Von Ackermann's car was found empty on a road between Kirkuk and Tikrit, with his equipment and $40,000 still inside.


Tuz Khormato, a town in Iraq, located 55 miles south of Kirkuk

see also