
unusual facts about Kirovakan


Hinduism in Armenia

There are now about 250 ISKCON members resident in Armenia and ISKCON maintains congregations in the towns of Gyumri, Kirovakan, Yeghegnadzor, Kapan and Ashtarak.

Rafael Vaganian

A cheerful and popular character on the grandmaster circuit, his tournament record is outstanding and includes further victories at Kragujevac 1974, São Paulo 1977, Kirovakan 1978, Las Palmas 1979, Manila 1981, Hastings 1982/83, Biel 1985 (the Interzonal), Leningrad 1987, Toronto 1990 and Ter Apel 1992.

Sergey Kirov

The cities of Kirov, Kirovohrad, Kirovakan, and Kirovabad, as well as a few Kirovsks, were renamed in Kirov's honor after his assassination.

Stepan Zoryan

The Stepan Zoryan state museum was opened in 1972, in Kirovakan, (current Vanadzor), at the writer's own house, called by the local inhabitants an "Armenian fortress".

see also