
unusual facts about Kishinev

Jewish Territorialist Organization

In response to the horrors of Kishinev, England’s Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain proposed to Herzl the creation a semiautonomous region on the Uasin Gishu plateau in British East Africa for Jewish settlement.

Kishinev pogrom

The Kishinev Pogrom captured the attention of the world community and was mentioned in the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine as an example of the type of human rights abuse which would justify United States involvement in Latin America.

Meir Dizengoff

Dizengoff opened the factory in Tantura in 1882, but it proved unsuccessful due to impurities in the sand, and Dizengoff soon returned to Kishinev.

Vladimir Rebikov

Rebikov taught and played in concerts in various parts of the Russian Empire: Moscow, Odessa, Kishinev, Yalta, as well as in Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Leipzig, Florence and Paris, where met Claude Debussy, Oscar Nedbal, Zdenek Needly, and others.

Yehuda Leib Tsirelson

Yehuda Leib Tsirelson (1859, Kozelets, Chernihiv Oblast – 1941, Kishinev, Soviet Union) wat the Chief Rabbi of Bessarabia, a member of the Romanian parliament, and a prominent Jewish leader and posek.

see also