
3 unusual facts about Kletsk

Battle of Kletsk

Meanwhile, the Tatars established their main camp near Kletsk and sent half of their force in smaller groups to pillage surrounding areas.

Fannia Cohn

Fannia Mary Cohn was born on April 5, 1885 to an ethnic Jewish family in Kletsk, Belarus, then part of the Russian empire.

Shimon Sholom Kalish

He was a major driving force behind the exodus of thousands of young men in Mir, Kletsk, Radin, Novhardok, and other yeshivas, via Russia and Japan to Shanghai at the outbreak of World War II.


Kletsk |

Louise Boyd

The journey, by car, rail, boat and on foot took her first from Lviv to Kovel (these towns are in the Ukraine today), and then to KobrinPinskKletskNesvizhSlonim (these towns are in Belarus today).

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